Get That Six-Pack | Core Workout and Nutrition Guide

Get That Six-Pack | Core Workout and Nutrition Guide

Ultimate Guide to Achieving a Six-Pack: Expert Tips on Ab Training and Nutrition. Dreaming of a sculpted six-pack this summer? You're not alone! Achieving a strong, muscular core is not...
Why You Should Absolutely Include Squats In Your Workouts - Gorilla Sports South Africa

Why You Should Absolutely Include Squats In Your Workouts

While we tend to queue at the bench press stations or machines for adductors and abductors. Other training equipment, on the other hand, must be regularly dusted off, this includes the squat rack in particular. Admittedly, this is a somewhat exaggerated depiction of reality on the training floor, but that shouldn't hide the fact that the squat isn't a popular exercise for most. This is by no means due to the effectiveness of this exercise, because the squat is not called THE king exercise in weight training for nothing.
Ty du Preez
The Best Dumbbell and Barbell Exercises at Home - Gorilla Sports South Africa

The Best Dumbbell and Barbell Exercises at Home

Even athletes of old, fighters and gladiators used dumbbells to strengthen their bodies. With dumbbells of different weights, called halteres, athletes in ancient Greece had to do standing long jumps.

Today, dumbbell and barbell training are primarily used to build muscle and strength. The main difference to training on machines: With these, you can train your muscles in isolation, but in most exercises with these freely movable weights, many auxiliary muscles are also used. This is the only way you can keep your body, especially your torso, stable. And that's exactly what makes dumbbell exercises so effective.